April Reading

This time of year is always hectic, especially if you have kids. You would think that things would be slowing down near the end of the school year, but instead they speed up, with each child having to do twice as much, which of course means that parents have to do twice as much, too. You can't work less (especially if you are self employed because that means that you will probabaly get paid less), so the other stuff has to go. In my case, I read less in April.
Here 'tis--

1. Baby Brother's Blues- Pearl Cleage. This one was my book club selection for the month. I thought it was a fine read, although I didn't want to read another Black-Man-Down-Low story. Enjoyable and interesting story though.
2.Criss Cross -Evie Rhodes. I didn't think I would like this, but I truly got into this Christian Fiction book disguised as a supernatural thriller.
3. NoWhere is a Place-Bernice Mcfadden- this one was not what I thought it ws going to be, but Ms McFadden did it again. It was a wwonderful treatment of someone's, maybe everyone's, history here in the US, along the lines of Douglass' Wives.
4. Just Desserts-I downloaded this e-book from Ellora's cave. First time I did this. I think I would have enjoyed this more if I had read it on another device. The Blackberry is just too small to get into. Steamy, steamy book with recipes thrown in, so ut was cooking on both ends. I wanted to go fan myself like the old lady relatives of mine in Alabama do.
5. What Comes After Crazy, PT II-I listened to this one on the treadmill. It seemed to go on forever. I finished it because I bought it but I was truly done when the main character, who was deserted by her flaky husband, does nothingn when he comes back and takes off with her oldest daugher. Theh girl is acting out and having a little trouble in school and he whisks her off to Santa Fe or someplace like that without her mother's permission. You see, if the heroine had been a sista-girl, this book would have been half as long 'cause when the kid was stolen, the heroine would have got on a plane or drove all night to kick the man's natural behind. There were a coupla places for good but whoopings in this story, like when the husband has an affair with the barely legal day care story and she wants to talk about it to the wife later and be friends even, but maybe I have violence issues.

Happy Reading!


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