
Showing posts from March, 2005

Beaches, Bellies and Boobs

I had a lot of time to watch people while I was in Mexico . By Tuesday I had successfully done nothing for two days. I mean, I did read a book a day, but I think this may have been the longest I have ever gone without rushing somewhere. So, I sat by the pool and smiled while I watched my kids play. It was good, and it left me crazy. I started tpo look around the place more thoughtfully and then it hit me. I was not struck by the beauty of the place or the friendliness of its people. What hit me first was that there were bellies everywhere. I mean, the place was full of Americans and Canadians and boy they were certainly very heavy. North Americans are truly getting fatter. The next thing that stuck out were the boobs. People were at either very fat, or they had a great set of boobs. Let's get something straight right away. I certainly like men. But it's a well-known fact that women dress for other women, not men. So I laid around the pool li...

Serial Reading

Last week was spring break in Texas . So I spent a few days on the beach in CancĂșn Mexico . I have to admit is the first time in my life I actually did nothing for so long. I spent a few days reading some of the things that had been lined up for me, you know those books that you collected sure gotta read this as you get the chance? They ranged from a hair above boring to mildly interesting, and riveting. I started out with Fair Play by Deirdre Martin. Had a hard time with this one. It just couldn't hold my interest. There was something about a romance with hockey players that just didn't do it for me. Then I moved on to Remember When my Nora Roberts and JD Robb. Half of this book is in the present with the last half being written in the future. It was a mystery crime, that happens now and is solved 50 years later. This was better. I was intrigued enough to make it all way through, although I found parts of the book tedious. I was good and su...
The Objects of My Obsession

Confessions of a shoe fanatic

Okay, see, it's like this. I was minding my own business and flipping through the shoe quarterlys just like any other red blooded American woman. And there was this one pair of shoes. They were on every page, jumping out at me. They were in Shuz , in Vogue , In Town & Country . I turned the pages trying to get away from them and there they were again. It was like they were haunting me, calling my name, saying they wanted to live in my closet, in my shoe colony. They want a place of their own. Safe in their dust bag, inside a clear box with their picture on the outside. Since I consider myself a graduate of the 12 Step Shoe Program, I tried to ignore their calls. It worked at first. And then they appeared online too. I could preorder them if I wanted to. I held out. And then I got this call. It was from Jim at Jimmy Choo in Dallas. He said, "Nina, we haven't heard from you. Did you get your catalog?" I sighed, then mumbled, "No, I guess I missed it." ...

Rules of disorder

Who was Robert? And what was he smoking when he decided that his rules would make running a meeting easier? Because of his rules, I was in a meeting that was perhaps the most disorderly meeting ever. We spent a good 40 minutes trying to understand how we were going to proceed,that is how we were going to go about discussing the issue we were really interested in. Once we got that straight, or at least half of us did, we spent a good hour voting and then revoting and then discussing and then not talking while the votes were being counted. In the end, we didn't reach a resolution to our problem, because we discovered that half of us still didn't understand the rules of order. I'm not taking anything away from Bob but history shows us that many of our so-called geniuses used some kind of mind altering substance to formulate their contributions to our body of knowledge. Sigmund Freud came up with the idea that the root of all problems is our uterus and that children have ve...

Bionic Nina

Here I am, two or so days past my LASIK surgery. I can't believe I really did it. I mean, I won't go get my teeth cleaned without major sedation and I forced myself to lie still while someone cut into my eye. It's all good though. It was a good decision. I have never seen this well. The day after surgery, I put on my old folk looking sunglasses and went out for a drive, and padow! things were crisper than ever. The colors were brighter. My senses were under assault. When I went in for my follow up appointment, I asked the doctor why I was seeing so much better than I had in the past. I mean, my glasses and contacts had givem me 20/20 vision, right? The best? His answer surprised me; 20/20 doesn't mean that you are seeing the best you can, it just means that yes, you can drive and you are able to read that line on the eye chart. Well, who knew? My vision measured in the vicinity of 20/15 and he told me it would continue to improve over the...

When is your next book release?

 G ood morning, I don't know if you recall or not---but we met up at Barnes and Noble a few years back to talk about my tween writing.  (Im a friend of Sue C. and was, back in the day, a personal trainer.) I currently write the TALK section of Austin Monthly Magazine (Essentially what Austinites are TALKing about right now) and was wondering if you had a specific date yet for the release of Just Short Of Crazy? Let me know if/when you do and Ill see what I can do to get a piece in the magazine for you. Take care, Carla B.   My Reply: Hey Carla, Of course I remember you.  You probably saw that in PL.  Well, they had the date wrong.  My next book is Marrying Up, In Stores July 28th. JSoC will be released next summer.  Would love to get together with you though. Nina Foxx Read My Blog: The Vixen Chronicles AVAILABLE NOW   GOING BUCK WILD Wild is the only way to play it! "Foxx has a disti...

Eye opening Stuff

Wow! I did it and I am so glad I did. There were a few times before the doctor called me back this morning that I seriously thought I was going to bolt down the hall. I arrived when they said I should, and of course, they took my money first. Then I waited. They finally called me back and took a few more measurements of my eye. That was the first time I got to meet the surgeon who was going to do my procedure. He is well known in the area where I live, and he assured me that , yes, he did know what he was doing and had done thousands and thousand so fprocedures, most more difficult than mine. I was having custom LASIK, so he swore I would see just fine, better than I could with glasses or contacts. Then they gave me the valium. I am not a pill taker at all, and they asked me to CHEW them up. I did that, but I swear, nothing happened. They led me to a dimly lit room to wait. There was another woman there who also had the same funny looking cap on her head. She told me her ...

Rainy Day Blues

Felt down most of the day today, but you know, you gotta have days like that. It has been raining in Texas for what seems like weeks. Good thing I live in high ground or Iwould surely need a row boat. I'm having Lasik in the morning, so who knows when I will be able to see my computer screen again. Hopefully all will go well. By the time my next book, Marrying UP releases, I will be able to see without glasses or contacts, or so the marketing information says. The good news is I finished editing my short story for The Erotic Traveler for 2006. I gotta tell you, I blushed when I read it, but I think the editor will be very happy...
Nina Foxx