Who are the Players in "Closer to Crazy"--Part Three- The FACE, The VOICE, Sure 'nuff
I met a guy once who left a serious impression on me. He wasn’t tall, he wasn’t overly handsome, or even very well-dressed, but somehow, he was fine. He had THAT THING. He oozed sexuality from every pore, the type of guy that walked into a crowded room and heads just turned his way, whether one wanted to look or not. In my book, “Just Short of Crazy”, the essence of that man became Remedy Brown, the ex-pot head from the hard streets of south Dallas turned single dad and sexy, successful proprietor of multiple hookah bars. He’d survived his hard knocks and his crazy ex-wife (Ayzah) and managed to come out on top.
When we were casting for the part of Remedy Brown (in Closer to Crazy), I couldn’t picture an actor that made me feel how Remedy did in my head, but when Mailon Rivera walked onto the set, I immediately knew that he was the one. Mailon (THE FACE) looks nothing like the original guy, and I’m sure the real Remedy would be flattered, but in his performance, he mailed Remedy to a “t”.
Mailon mesmerized me with his small talk when he came on the set. We’d taken a break for lunch and we chatted and I couldn’t take my EARS off of him. You see, in addition to being THE FACE, he was also THE VOICE. His conversation was like a melody. He didn’t have to sing for me to know that he was a singer,too. I stood there, wondering if he did theater and picturing him in another FoxxTale Production, belting out on of the songs that I’d written with my composing partner, John Forbes.
In about 20 minutes, we were old friends and were surprised to find out that we had a very good friend in common. We were both friends with author Lolita Files.
Small world, indeed.
About Mailon Rivera:
(From IMDB)
Tall, charming, sexy with a voice that should be on nighttime radio. Mailon Rivera has been patiently honing a very successful acting career in Hollywood. The power of his electrifying magnetism has been witnessed as the romantic lead in BET's original film comedy "Midnight Blue," along with credits that include such top television shows as "The Shield," "Friends," "Seinfeld," "Arli$$," and the MTV series "Spyder Games." Not bad for a Puerto Rican kid from Brooklyn who once break danced for subway change in New York City's Times Square, in front of the same building that later was to headquarter MTV! "I wouldn't change that experience for anything in the world," he says. "I was practically homeless and sleeping on rooftops back then, but I think it made me stronger as a person because it allowed me to see what I really wanted in life. My life experience is important in that I can now show kids who have to grow up hard like me that there is another way out if you truly want something in life."
When we were casting for the part of Remedy Brown (in Closer to Crazy), I couldn’t picture an actor that made me feel how Remedy did in my head, but when Mailon Rivera walked onto the set, I immediately knew that he was the one. Mailon (THE FACE) looks nothing like the original guy, and I’m sure the real Remedy would be flattered, but in his performance, he mailed Remedy to a “t”.
Mailon mesmerized me with his small talk when he came on the set. We’d taken a break for lunch and we chatted and I couldn’t take my EARS off of him. You see, in addition to being THE FACE, he was also THE VOICE. His conversation was like a melody. He didn’t have to sing for me to know that he was a singer,too. I stood there, wondering if he did theater and picturing him in another FoxxTale Production, belting out on of the songs that I’d written with my composing partner, John Forbes.
In about 20 minutes, we were old friends and were surprised to find out that we had a very good friend in common. We were both friends with author Lolita Files.
Small world, indeed.
About Mailon Rivera:
(From IMDB)
Tall, charming, sexy with a voice that should be on nighttime radio. Mailon Rivera has been patiently honing a very successful acting career in Hollywood. The power of his electrifying magnetism has been witnessed as the romantic lead in BET's original film comedy "Midnight Blue," along with credits that include such top television shows as "The Shield," "Friends," "Seinfeld," "Arli$$," and the MTV series "Spyder Games." Not bad for a Puerto Rican kid from Brooklyn who once break danced for subway change in New York City's Times Square, in front of the same building that later was to headquarter MTV! "I wouldn't change that experience for anything in the world," he says. "I was practically homeless and sleeping on rooftops back then, but I think it made me stronger as a person because it allowed me to see what I really wanted in life. My life experience is important in that I can now show kids who have to grow up hard like me that there is another way out if you truly want something in life."