Reading List-Again

I have read a lot of books over the past two months. I'm in a book slump right now, there are htings out ther ethat I want to read (okay, I can think of two) but I just can't seem to press send on the Amazon screen to make th books come to me. (Yes, they do have to come to me. I can't possibly go to the bookstore and go get them). The holidays are here so I'm sure I will catch up.
This is what is on my "Just Read" (or Just Heard) shelf since my last update.

1. Skinny Dip. I gotta tell you, this was the longest listen ever. It took too much time to get through, maybe because the reader tried to do every little voice in the book, but I couldnt' stop. It started with the premise that a man throws his rich wife of two years overboard on theri anniversary cruise. That wasn't the good part. The good part was that she lived to torture him.
2.Knockin' Boots by Tracy Price Thompson. Tracy does it again. More explicit sex that usual for her, but it wa sexcellently written as usual.
3.Lost. I got Lost. Wicked was waaaay better
4.Wounded by Perival Everett. This and Tracy's book are my picks for favorites oif the last wto months. Just damn good.
5. Brick House by Rita Ewing. Rita obviously loves Harlem. The politics kept you going.
6. The Interruption of Everything by Terry McMillian. This was better than the last one. A good look at marriage.
7Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. Not as good as the others. All the talk about the unbreakable code got boring.
8.Fast Women by Jennifer Crusie. I am not cut out for strict romance because I got bored and couldn't finish.
9.Voodoo Dreams-Okay, this goes on the best of the best list, too. More commercial than her other book, but I liked the ida of Marie Laveau's descendant discovering herself and her powere. Intriguing.


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