A New NinaFoxx.com is coming!

That's right, new year, new FOXX style. My website has been redesigned to reflect the new parts of Nina. Go there over the next few days and take in the new metamorphosis. My new site will be the headquarters where you can find out about all of my new projects.
From there you can connect with me and my friends via my blog or my twitter. You never know what I'm up to or where I'm headed, so be sure to check in here often. My last entry will make you think about the hairy parts of life. :-)
I hope that "Lycanthropy Runs in my family" will make you dialogue about Mo'Niques leg look for the red carpet and what you think is acceptable.

One of the new things you will find on my website is a film section. That's right, film. Think of it as FoxxTale TV-

Those of you that have been following me know that I have been active on the film scene. I created a web pilot called "She's Got Is'Shoes" and my love and hunt for SHOES! You can watch the show here in five minute (or so episodes, with new episode posted periodically. She's Got Is'shoes has won several awards, including, Best TV/Reality, Best Short, The Award of Merit from the Accolade and most recently, it is a featured selection at the San Diego Black Film Festival.

Coming soon to that section is another Web series called "Closer to Crazy". This little drama features characters from my book, Just Short of Crazy, as well as some actors you will recognize from TV Shows you love. (Look closely at upcoming episodes, you might even see me!) I like to think of it as Soul Food with grit.

I've penned a new play called Baby Mama Drama. Right now, we are working on getting it filmed so we can make it available to you play lovers, but in the meantime, you can get the music.
I was honored to write music for the play along with my composing partner, John Forbes (ForJam Media). I had a blast doing it, and hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed writing. You can hear the songs FOR FREE on Jango.com and Lala.com and they are available on itunes and Amazon music downloads. The music features Tyga Graham (Silk) and LaTrice Pace (The Anointed Pace Sisters). Check them out and let me know what you think.

For those of you that did not get your copy of Marrying UP, you can now rent it from NETFLIX! Put it in your queue. Its also available from Amazon.com and Target.


I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, Cynamon Foster. Her work will be featured in Can't Help the Way That I Feel, and erotic anthology coming in March, edited by my good friend Lori Bryant Woolridge. The Story, In The Shadow of the Midnight Train" is a steamy one, so be prepared. Pre-order your copy on Amazon early! Cynamon and I will thank you. In April, Look for Cynamon's Debut novel--Southern Comfort. It is a tale of erotic suspense guaranteed to keep you cumming back for more.

Nina Foxx

Follow me on Twitter: ninafoxx

Order a DVD of Nina Foxx's Marrying UP direct from Nina Foxx.com and get free shipping.
Offer Expires on Feb 1.

Offer Expires: Feb 1, 2010


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