So, you get a call, a request, an email from a friend. When you need money, what do you do? Do you repeatedly depend on friends to solve your cash flow problems if you have them? Or do you find other ways to meet your fiscal needs. This is a dilemma. I'm not talking about the type of crisis where you need some money to pay the rent, buy the groceries, feed the kids, but the type of crisis where its just not clear. And if you find yourself there, do you find yourself there over and over again? Let’s say, I have a legal problem. I need a lawyer. How do I get the money together to pay the lawyer’s retainer. And let’s say I've been here before. You know what I would do? I’d save it. Maybe ten bucks a week if that was all I had and just wait until I knew could pay. It might take a long time, but that’s what I would do. Is this where you are? But now, let’s say I couldn’t save it. Then what? Would you try to sell something? Anything? Drum up some business if you are a f...
and, sadly, jordin is the only choice. she's got a different look. she can play hispanic, black, not too black, or just hard to place anywhere. they will work her out vigourously so she will look smaller on screen and erase the very cute baby fat so she is more holly-woodable.
the girl can sing well, but that is just gravy on top of the package. she's very young, so they can sell her to young folks (i think melynda is a bit of a harder sell to the young folks).
blake is cool, but he will be the next pharrell or chad hugo and make money making music, not singing it. melynda will get a great contract and outsell everyone and jordin will be a star.
funny how dreamgirls finds a way to reapeat itself.
just my $.02