Three Day for the Cure UPdate
I wanted to follow up on the e-mail I sent you earlier about my participation in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. I've been spending the past few weeks preparing for the event and have really made a lot of progress. So far I've raised 2130.00. My personal goal is to raise 5000 for this walk, but before I get there, I have to raise the minimum to participate, which is 2300. As you an see, I only have a few hundred dollars to go. I also recently decided to be a training walk leader in the an Diego Metro area and am anticipating undergoing my training in the next few days. My training is also going well. I walk or run a minimum of 3 miles per day. I can hardly wait to hit the road with the thousands of other women and men who are joining together for this common cause. There is still time for you to support my efforts with a donation. Net proceeds from the Komen 3-Day for the Cure are invested in breast cancer research and community programs. As I mentioned in my original no...