
Showing posts from November, 2009

Confessions of a midlist author

Came across this article on and loved it. Sadly, it seems so true!

An Open Letter to Oprah, By Virginia Deberry & Donna Grant

n a moment of frustration Virginia wrote an open letter to Oprah, and shared it with a few writer friends who are going through the same thing we are. Now the letter is starting to go viral--getting a lot of repostings and inclusions in blogs, newsletters and on Facebook, so we decided we should share it with you, the readers who have supported us all these years. We are thankful for you and we wish you a joyful Thanksgiving!   V&D       Dear Oprah: We don't sing karaoke or dance with the stars, we have been contributing to the cultural landscape long before Jon & Kate, Britney,Rhianna and Chris or Stephanie Meyer and most of America, including you have probably never even heard of us. We have railed against Kanye's proud pronouncement upon the publication of his 52 page book: Thank You and You're Welcome, that "I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's autograph." Huh? We are writers and we are in trouble. Big trouble. I would never have im...